Miriam Young:
Copywriting. What's that all about?

What is copywriting?Oklahoma bar
Although commonly used within marketing circles, the term “copywriting” is largely unfamiliar to most other people. Ask the average person what copywriting is and they’ll probably suggest it’s something to do with copyright protection – i.e. registering a writer’s work to legally prevent it being used by others without permission, communicated via the © symbol.

Confused? It’s hardly surprising!

Despite its similarity, “copywriting” is not about copyright protection but is the art of writing text that gets used for promotional purposes. Copywriting provides the words on everything from websites, advertisements and posters to packaging, product descriptions and user instructions. Copywriting provides the carefully worded content of press releases, promotional videos, TV and radio ads and show scripts. Catchy advertising slogans that permeate the language and many product names are the result of carefully considered copywriting.

What is copy?
The work produced as a result of copywriting is referred to as “copy”. Why? I don’t know. Especially as the work referred to as copy is actually an original creation. Somebody once told me it’s because copy is often created for the purpose of being be copied by others. I never found out how seriously that remark was made.

What is a copywriter?
You guessed it, a person who writes copy.
Makes sense now?

What makes a copywriter a good copywriter?
In theory, anybody who can write can write copy. And many do, without going through the processes that make the work of a bone-fide copywriter so valuable. That’s because there’s more to copywriting than just, er, writing copy.

A good professional copywriter has an appreciation of marketing strategy, customer psychology and media functionality. These insights are used to craft intelligently structured communications that entice the audience to keep reading/listening. If you’re still here, I've proved my point :-)

It’s often very difficult to remain objective when presenting your own business, but an experienced copywriter brings an impartial view to the table that can transform a communication strategy. Such a copywriter will question the purpose of each assignment to ensure their work plays an effective role within the overall marketing strategy. So when you’re next considering who should write your copy, remember that when you hire a copywriter you’re getting a lot more than words, you’re getting a marketing review.

When less is so much more
Today’s audience has many things competing for its attention. Communication needs to be as short as possible, without losing meaning.

A copywriter doesn’t just supply words. A copywriter provides intelligent, efficient use of words to deliver concise, power-packed messages that don’t over-stretch the attention span.

Condensing the energy of many words into as few as possible takes time. And skill. So if you ever wondered why fewer words cost more and the best copywriters charge by the hour rather than by the word, now you know.

Need an experienced professional copywriter?
As described above.
You got it - hire my brain! Contact me: miriam [at] miriamyoung [dot] com
Miriam Young brain

My brain can write
websites / web pages ● advertisements direct marketing ● editorial articles brochures ● press releases  newsletters ● voice-over scripts
+ anything else you need
translations from Dutch to English


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