Miriam Young: my brain can entertain
DJing at Cocos Outback, Amsterdam circa 2005DJ
In several former lives my brain has DJ'd. No fancy mixing or anything, just picking great tracks that got people dancing their socks off.

As a teenager in Southend-on-Sea in the mid 1980s, this involved hiring a club, promoting a night and playing Punk singles from my passionately gathered collection.

In early 1990s London, Brit-Pop, Alternative and Classic 80s tracks got incorporated into the mix.

In mid 1990's Prague, my brain provided the soundtrack for a fundraising night at a well-known city centre venue.

In the early 2000s it dusted off the flight boxes yet again in Amsterdam with occasional "Feel-Good" nights and private parties.

These days, my brain's music collection regrettably isn't up to date the way it used to be. But if somebody wants to hire it for a trip down memory lane I might be willing to get the feather duster out!

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Miriam Young brain

My brain can write
websites / web pages ● advertisements direct marketing ● editorial articles brochures ● press releases  newsletters ● voice-over scripts
+ anything else you need
translations from Dutch to English


Miriam Young brain
About my brain
brain  what's in my brain
brain  why my brain has its own site

brains are people too
brain  what my brain can do for you
brain  where is my brain?